Ornamental Japanese Pine Trees Pi35 Japanese Black Pine Pinus Thunbergii Thunderhead At Our Nursery In Manheim Scaled

Ornamental Japanese Pine Tree Nursery in Lancaster, PA

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Ornamental pine trees have the power to transform our natural world, giving form, color and texture to your garden space. Because they are evergreen, decorative pines add loveliness to a garden throughout the months when neighboring trees have lost their leaves.

We offer a wide variety of well-developed ornamental pine trees. Our attention to detail and years of care create ornamental pines that are highly sought after, drawing buyers from across the country and for unique garden and architecture projects (read how we helped Cambridge MIT create a living sculpture).

We would be delighted to help you make the perfect selection for your garden!


As stewards, we spend years carefully pruning and cultivating our ornamental pine trees, using traditional Japanese practices to showcase the natural essence that we envisioned when we began pruning them as seedlings. For example, many of the pines we have developed appear as though they have been transplanted from the windswept side of a cliff. Note: Our specialty pines require regular and proper maintenance to ensure that they continue to grow into their intended design (read about the value of good pruning: part 1, part 2, and part 3).

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Hand pruning a Japanese Black Pine, Pinus thunbergii ‘Banshoho’ cultivar, at our nursery


Enduring Color and Strength – Pines offer beauty in all seasons and weather, and thrive in Pennsylvania and many other parts of the country.

Variety of Appearances and Textures – From soft to rugged, ornamental pine needles appear in many diverse textures. Their bark also comes in a variety of textures and appearances, from flaky red to deeply-fissured dark gray.

Well-suited for Sculpting – In our nursery, we prune our ornamental pine trees to reflect some memory of where they grow in nature, creating custom art pieces for your garden.

Larger Specimens Available – Our staff develop and prune several varieties of pines using traditional Japanese practices. This process takes years and we’re pleased to offer a number of substantial specimens for installation or for delivery.

Brittany'S Hope - Lawn And Landscape Restoration Around Historic Farmhouse, Elizabethtown, Pa
Japanese Black Pine, Pinus thunbergii, Manheim, PA


Our nursery offers a wide variety of decorative pine trees. We have gathered our favorite cultivars, which include Japanese Red Pines (Pinus densiflora ‘Tagyosho’ cultivar) and Japanese Black Pines (Pinus thunbergii species, Pinus thunbergii ‘Banshoho’ cultivar, and Pinus thunbergii ‘Thunderhead’ cultivar). We offer well-developed specimens of all of these varieties.

These distinctive pines are perfect for creating a focal point in Japanese gardens, where their sculptural forms evoke the beauty of nature’s resilience. They also pair beautifully with specialty plants to add texture and depth to a thoughtfully designed landscape. We are delighted to answer any questions and will work with you to make the perfect selection.


Japanese Red Pines weave a captivating dance of grace. Soft needles flutter like emerald ribbons while reddish hues adorn the trunk and branches, all anchored by a spirit of unwavering strength.

Needles – Delicate and thin needles, growing in pairs of 4-8 inches long.

Bark Thin and smooth, reddish color with papery scales that peel. 

Shape – Spreading umbrella like canopy.

Rate of Growth – We specialize in slow-growing ‘Tagyosho’ Japanese Red Pines.

‘Mai Kujaku’ Japanese Maple In Fall At Our Nursery, Manheim, Pa
Japanese Red Pine, Pinus densiflora ‘Tagyosho’ cultivar, ground planted at our nursery 


Clad in the armor of ages, the Japanese Black Pine stands defiant against the elements. Rugged green needles, dark as midnight, stand watch from a windswept throne of twisted branches. When shaped by hand or by storm, its curved and gnarled form is a testament to its unyielding spirit.

Needles – Thick and stiff, growing in pairs of 2-4 inches long. Deep green in color, sometimes with a bluish tint.

Bark – Thick and rough, dark grey to nearly black with deep fissures.

Shape – A meandering single truck with interspersed branches that support floating green clouds.

Rate of Growth – We specialize in dwarf ‘Banshoho’ compact, ‘Thunderhead,’ and fast-growing Japanese Black Pine varieties.ughness, unique characteristics, and at a lower price tag!

‘Osakazuki’ Japanese Maple In Fall, Manheim, Pa
Japanese Black Pine, Pinus thunbergii ‘Banshoho’ cultivar, being prepared for delivery


  • Japanese Red Pine, Pinus Densiflora ‘Tagyosho’ Cultivar, Being Prepared For Installation
  • Japanese Black Pines, Pinus Thunbergii, Installed At Mit, Cambridge, Ma
  • Japanese Black Pines, Pinus Thunbergii ‘Thunderhead’, At Our Nursery
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The Gardener’s Journal

Experience The Difference of Hanselman Landscape and Gardens

Founded in 1985, Hanselman Landscape & Gardens designs, builds, and nurtures a wide variety of gardens in both private and corporate settings. From our headquarters in Manheim, Pennsylvania, we serve clients throughout the region, including Philadelphia’s Main Line—and as far away as Cambridge, Massachusetts. We also cultivate unique specimen plants, which we make available to discriminating gardeners and architects.