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Your garden has functional needs for safety and preservation. Lighting can prevent a stumble on a dark step, drip irrigation protects your investment in valuable trees and shrubs, and well-managed surface water preserves your soil and keeps water away from your home. In each of these areas, you can expect not only a thorough and effective job, but one that endures and adds elegance and beauty to your garden.

Explore the following sections to see how we can support your landscape garden with these practical solutions in creative ways.


Garden Solutions Ir04 Drip Irrigation For Trees And Shrubs With Overhead Spray For Lawns Scaled

Our irrigation systems takes the hassle out of watering, giving you more time to do enjoy your garden and less time tending it.


Garden Solutions Ln03 Swimming Pool And Patio Terrace Lighting Scaled

Landscape lighting allows you to enjoy your garden into the night, and offers a new way to experience the same environment.


Garden Solutions Su08 1

Designed to be attractive and practical, we offer water flow and erosion solutions to keep your home dry and garden intact.

Our Garden Design Process

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Share your goals, ideas, and project budget and we will begin to survey and plan your garden

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We will consider all your primary view perspectives, both inside and out as we design your garden

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Your garden dream will begin to take shape at the hands of our highly skilled craftsmen and landscapers

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Every project ends with the reward of experiencing the joyful stewardship of your little piece of creation

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The Gardener’s Journal

Experience the Difference of Hanselman Landscape and Gardens

Founded in 1985, Hanselman Landscape & Gardens designs, builds, and nurtures a wide variety of gardens in both private and corporate settings. From our headquarters in Manheim, Pennsylvania, we serve clients throughout the region, including Philadelphia’s Main Line—and as far away as Cambridge, Massachusetts. We also cultivate unique specimen plants, which we make available to discriminating gardeners and architects.