The Gardener's Journal

My use of the term ‘sense of place’ includes the ‘link to the site’ concept where advantageous, and the creation of a unique place with character strong enough to yield a separate memorable experience of natural beauty, especially where surroundings are relatively featureless (or worse). There are natural places that impressed me strongly, some more than 40 years ago; their character or ‘sense of place’ remains distinct in my memory, forming a lexicon of images which inform mood in my gardens. Similar to the creators of the original Japanese gardens, I am moved to discover the potential natural beauty latent in the combination of site, space, and materials available to me. I do my best to communicate this insight in a way that evokes a sense of belonging in an increasingly insipid, placeless, and impersonal landscape.How about your garden and home surroundings? Do they evoke a feeling of belonging and reflect the uniqueness of your location? If not, we invite you to call us to discuss how we might partner with you to bring beauty and a ‘sense of place’ to your outdoor spaces. Our number is 717-653-1273. We look forward to hearing from you and partnering with you! Contributed by James HanselmanGardener (and ‘sense of place’ advocate)


Share your goals, ideas, and project budget and we will begin to survey and plan your garden

We will consider all your primary view perspectives, both inside and out as we design your garden

Your garden dream will begin to take shape by the hands of our highly skilled craftsmen and landscapers

Your garden dream will begin to take shape by the hands of our highly skilled craftsmen and landscapers