If you are privileged to have several specimen Pines or other varieties of evergreens in your garden, this season is one of special delight as these beautiful trees take the spotlight. To keep your Pines healthy and beautiful now and into the future, it behooves you to invest in their care.

While you may choose to enlist the services of professionals to manage the pruning and shaping of your valuable plants, there are important tasks that you can do, such as . . .

–Removing dead needles: While this step is tedious, it is essential to a Pine’s attractiveness and health, especially during the winter months when dead, clumped needles provide inviting homes for insects and diseases.

Following the guidelines mentioned here and in previous posts will enhance the health and beauty of your specimen Pines, allowing it to be a striking focal point for many years into the future.

Shared by Betty Hanselman

Gardener’s wife (& beneficiary of beautifully-tended Pines)