As Betsy began to plan her artist’s garden, she was able to combine her love for green growing things with the order and simplicity she had found so inspiring during her visit to Japan. Betsy began sketching ideas for her courtyard and showed her photos and sketches to Japanese garden enthusiast, James Hanselman of Hanselman Landscape. She asked for his help to create a semi-formal, Nobedan-style patio next to the house and a boulder and Pine composition to soften the presence of the community-owned border fence.
Following the community association’s approval of the project, members of the Hanselman Landscape crew spent many winter days at their facilities, cutting four-to-six-inch-thick slabs of sandstone into rectilinear and irregular shapes to form pieces for the patio and stepping stone pathways. The pieces were then laid out, fit together, numbered, photographed, and stored in preparation for on-site assembly in the spring.
(Stop by next time to see the patio “puzzle” in place in Betsy’s garden.)
Shared by Betty Hanselman
Gardener’s wife (& fan of Nobedan)
Like puzzle pieces, hand-cut sandstone slabs were placed, numbered, photographed and stored at the Hanselman Landscape nursery, in preparation for on-site assembly.